Bubble.io Tips - 1

5 Bubble.io Tips to make your process easier

Bubble.io Tips - 1
  1. Open Bubble editor in multiple tabs:

    It has been observed that many developers open multiple bubble.io editor tabs in the same browser for the same Application. Bubble.io says, "Opening the Bubble editor for the same app in multiple browser tabs might result in unexpected behaviour." Bubble.io recommends keeping the editor of an app limited to just one tab at a time.

  2. Optimise Bubble APP Performance with backend workflows

    Front-end workflows used on pages and reusable elements will run on your app's user's browser. Back-end workflows will run on the server side of your app. The user's browser has highly limited capacity compared to servers. The more workflows run on the server side which were previously running on the browser side will optimise your application's performance. Use Back-end workflows as much as possible in creating and/or optimising your Bubble app.

  3. What is Custom State in Bubble.io?

    Custom states are variables that you can save on any element on the page. They let you store data temporarily that is reset when the page is reloaded.
    - Custom States in Bubble can be created on Element Inspector
    - Custom State in Bubble consists of 'type' and 'default value'

    - The value of Custom States can be a single value as well as a list of values.

  4. Option Sets are Insecure

    Optionsets will be downloaded on any page. Everyone can access option sets and all their values even though they are not visible on the page. It is highly recommended to not store any critical information such as API Keys etc.

  5. What is the difference between privacy and security?

    Privacy is about how the user expects their data to be managed by your software. Security is about protecting the data from the reach of any person who is not authorised to access this data.

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